Abundance is the Key to Abundance

Abundance Angela Brown Ask a House Cleaner
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Did you know that abundance is the key to abundance? As crazy as that may sound, it's very true! In order for you and your business to get to a place of abundance

Did you know that abundance is the key to abundance? As crazy as that may sound, it’s very true! In order for you and your business to get to a place of abundance, you first have to accept abundance into your life. Today we’re going to cover how to accept abundance and how that will lead to more abundance in your life!

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Hey there, I’m Angela Brown, and this is Ask a House Cleaner. This is a show where you get to ask a house cleaning question, and I get to help you find an answer. You can find this and 400 other answered questions in this series on our YouTube channel.

Abundance is the Key to Abundance

Abundance, The Abundance SeriesAbundance is the key to abundance. No, I’m not repeating myself, but let me repeat myself. Abundance is the key to abundance. This is part of our abundance series for house cleaners, where we’re going from a startup mode to a place of significant wealth. And there are a lot of stopping points along the way that are going to help us get there.

And if we go through the steps along the way, when we get there, we won’t sabotage it because we will be expecting it and we will recognize it when we arrive. Okay, so today we’re going to talk about abundance. And we come from a place of abundance in order to create and attract more abundance into our world.

I Lost Everything at 24 Years Old

Abundance, Sad Woman Paying BillsNow, in our recent abundance episode from this same series, I shared with you a story about how at 24 years old, I had purchased another business. And as a result of that, I assumed when I took the business 10 years of back employee withholding taxes that had not been paid. And the IRS came after me and all of the assets that I had leveraged for that business.

So there I was stranded. I had absolutely no money. I couldn’t pay my rent, I couldn’t pay the utilities. They had repossessed my vehicles. I had no transportation, I couldn’t do my cleaning business. I couldn’t do my other business.

Now, I’m at odds with myself and the universe and I was feeling like a total failure and I was depressed and I was discouraged. And I didn’t want to get out of bed in the morning and I had a job interview.

The Turning Point for Me Was Going to a Job Interview

Abundance, Walking in RainSo, I decided that I would take the city bus, but I did not live on a bus route. So I walked two miles in some fancy clothes to the bus stop so that I could get on a city bus and I could go to the job appointment. When I got on the city bus, it was pouring rain outside. At the time I was trying to be cute, so my hair was down and I had curled it. And now because of the humidity in the air and the rain, my hair just kind of grew.

So I had this big head of fuzz and then it’s raining and wet. And my makeup is dripping. I had mud on my shoes and I’m just ready to cry. I was so discouraged and so depressed. And it was really easy to look at the situation and just say, I’m a complete failure. What on earth am I doing? Why am I here? Life is bad. Right?

There Was Abundance All Around Me

Abundance, TrafficSo, I stood on the city bus and I stood there, all squished up against all these other people. And I was trying to look out the window just for a moment of reprieve. All I could see, stuck in rush hour traffic on the interstate, we are going nowhere.

We’re just stuck, stuck in the middle of the interstate. And as I looked around, I saw an abundance of cars and I saw an abundance of trees and I saw an abundance of rain. And on the bus, there was an abundance of people. But something hit me in that one moment.

I Was Suffering From Personal Lack

Abundance, Looking Out Window on BusIt hit me that I myself suffer from personal lack. And there is abundance everywhere around me. And as I stopped and I realized I can participate in the abundance around me, or I can celebrate and worship and fight for my own lack. What is it that I’m going to do?

When the bus started up again, I’d already missed the appointment for the job interview I was to go to. So I waited until the bus made its rounds and I went back to my starting point and I walked two miles home in the rain. And I decided on my way back, this is a turning point for me.

I now accept abundance into my life because there’s abundance everywhere I look. And I was avoiding it the entire time. I was focused on the lack, not the abundance.

A Lot of People Focus on What They Don’t Have

Abundance, Happy Man Waking UpThe reason I share this story with you is that many of us, as we get started in business, we’re focused on the lack. We’re focused on what we don’t have, not what we do have. And I want us to really pay attention to this because if you wake up every day and your first thoughts are those of abundance and blessings and gratitude.

I’m here today, and this is the amazing stuff that I have in front of me. At the time I had nothing in front of me. My power was going to be cut off. My cars had already been repossessed. I had no food in the house. I couldn’t go to the banks because the banks had leans on my accounts.

It was a really tough situation. But at that moment I got my brain, I got my perfect health. I’ve got my body. I’ve got creativity. There’s no reason I can’t rebuild what I have.

There are a Ton of Free Resources for Business Owners

Abundance, Woman ThinkingThere’s a world of free books at the public library. I can get myself to the public library. The Chamber of Commerce has events for new startup businesses. There’s a free mentor program from SCORE online where they will help a small startup business owner kind of regroup and get started again. And they will assign you a free mentor. There are lots of free resources that are available to you.

And so what I stopped at that moment, as I said, I just need to change my shift from being, oh no, the world is falling in on me too. Oh no, there’s a world of opportunity. How can I participate? And it took me a couple of months to get back on my feet again and to rebuild. But during that, I’m now creative. I’m now looking for solutions instead of just celebrating problems.

People Will Work With You if You Work With Yourself

Abundance, Happy Woman ThinkingIn that weird little moment of transition, I was able to go to everybody and say, “Hey, listen, I have no money.” For the guy that I paid rent to. I have no money to pay the rent. Can you give me an extra 10 days? I’m doing the best I can to get back on my feet. And he worked with me. So people are willing to work with you if you’re willing to work with yourself. And so I challenge you with this, on your way to abundance.

Abundance is the key to abundance. You have to welcome abundance into your life. You have to be willing to accept abundance. When someone tries to give you something, don’t say, “No, no, no. I don’t want that. Thank you. I’m good on my own.” You have to say, “Thank you very much. I accept what you give me.” And so we will talk about the exercise of abundance in another one of our abundance series.

But I want you to start thinking abundance is mine. It is mine and my divine right and I accept abundance. I’m going to live in a place of abundance, not lack.

000 Savvy Cleaner Spacer Bar 2020Resources

Ask and it is Given – https://amzn.to/3ocyb8B

The Trick to Money is Having Some – https://amzn.to/33OXGTV

The Magic of Manifesting: 15 Advanced Techniques To Attract Your Best Life – https://amzn.to/33MVImP

The Golden Key: Modern Alchemy to Unlock Infinite Abundance – https://amzn.to/3buVu8e

Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not – https://amzn.to/3eV0OUK

Rich Dad’s Increase Your Financial IQ: Get Smarter with Your Money – https://amzn.to/3ePvdUm

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