Satisfaction Guarantee Fund
Should you have a satisfaction guarantee fund to motivate employees to work harder? Check out these tips on how to incentivize and inspire your team of house cleaners.
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Should you have a satisfaction guarantee fund to motivate employees to work harder? Check out these tips on how to incentivize and inspire your team of house cleaners.
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Introducing Savvy Perks Employee Discount Program. It’s employee benefits for small business owners. And came about by you asking for loyalty rewards for your house cleaners and maids.
Savvy Perks is a division of Savvy Cleaner owned by Angela Brown and host of Ask a House Cleaner. You asked for an employee rewards program for your team and here it is.
Savvy Perks just partnered with America’s largest employee discount network. With over 250,000 restaurants and retailers, the deals and discounts take loyalty perks to a whole new level.
Your monthly memberships include an app that gives you instant access to buy-one-get-one deals. There are “member only” discounts, and freebies. Sign up today at
What is Savvy Perks Employee Discount Program? Read More »
Healthcare benefits for house cleaning employees – do they exist? Are we required by law to provide healthcare benefits and if so what and how much?
We Ask a House Cleaner about Healthcare Benefits for your maid service.
Angela Brown, The House Cleaning Guru shares mandatory regulations for employee benefits.
Today’s sponsors are Savvy Perks (employee perks for small business owners.) Savvy Cleaner (house cleaning training.) And My Cleaning Connection (A hub for all things cleaning.)
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What employee perks can I give my house cleaners and maids to keep them loyal while I grow my cleaning business? Employee perks, bonuses, incentives, gifts and surprises do keep employees motivated.
We Ask a House Cleaner about an employee perks program and unique employee benefits.
Angela Brown, The House Cleaning Guru says reward employees for speed cleaning and quality. This keeps you and your customers happy and is a good way to keep employees happy.
Today’s sponsors are HouseCleaning360 (a place that house cleaners can list their business to get more leads.) My Cleaning Connection (a hub where you can find employee perks and gifts for your house cleaners. And Savvy Cleaner (house cleaning training to grow your business.)
Employee Perks for House Cleaners and Maids Read More »