Cleaning Business Shortcuts

Cleaning Business Shortcuts, Angela Brown, Savvy Cleaner
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What are the best cleaning business shortcuts? To grow your cleaning company, you need patience. But what if you could reach the goal faster.

What are the best cleaning business shortcuts? To grow your cleaning company, you need patience.

But what if you could reach the goal faster. Is there a quick fix for cleaning business owners? 

If you’re eager to get your house cleaning business on the fast track, check out today’s video.

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Hey there, I’m Angela Brown, and this is Ask a House Cleaner. This is a show where you get to ask a house cleaning question, and I get to help you find an answer. You can find this and 400 other answered questions in this series on our YouTube channel.

Quick Fix Shortcuts for Your Cleaning Business

Cleaning Business Shortcuts, No ShortcutsQuick fix shortcuts for your cleaning business.  Now, I get angry house cleaners that want to jump in, and they want a weekend course and want to have all the answers.

They want all the shortcuts. Well, I have some surprising news for you, and this is not click-bait. I wasn’t trying to lure you in here so that you would watch this and then hit you upside the head with the reality that there are no shortcut.

There are no shortcuts to the cleaning business.

You Can’t Take Shortcuts as a Parent

Cleaning Business Shortcuts, Couple Prepare CribSo, the reason I bring this up is it’s like being a parent. You can’t take shortcuts When you are a parent, you have nine months of prep time where you are preparing to have a child. And only after nine months of you mulling through all the different possibilities in your head, then the child arrives.

Now when the child arrives, that doesn’t mean you’ve been training for nine months and now you’re the perfect parent. What happens is it means as an infant, you have issues to deal with that are only specific to an infant. God did not give you a 12-year-old that is hormonal and irritable and outrageous.

Now, as you work through the issues of the infant, there are things that you learn, and they give you skills that help you be a better parent when you have a toddler. If you started out with a toddler, you would be alarmed because they get into all kinds of stuff and they have all this energy.

Little Things Happen First in Business

Cleaning Business Shortcuts, Man Learning on ComputerIt’s the very same thing in business. The very first things that are going to happen to you in business are not the big things, they’re little things.

And so as you get in, as you learn all the different elements of the business, then you have better skills and you have bigger problems, bigger challenges and you have bigger money.  So, there’s a whole bunch of things that happen that you learn as you go. Now, my parents have been parents for over 50 years and they’re still learning things about being a parent right now.

So, it’s not that you ever learn everything, because there’s always new stuff to learn. I’ve been in business for three decades and I’m still learning every day. Every day, I’m learning new skills, new ideas and how to handle situations differently. And so, will you. There’s no quick fix, there are no shortcuts.

You Have to go Through the Process

Cleaning Business Shortcuts, Work MeetingThe only solution is to plan to go through the process. Because as you go through the process, you have a different set of skills all along the way. And so, whatever your skills are, you’re now better equipped to handle that next issue.

That next issue might be growing your business, scaling your business, dealing with employees, dealing with customers, dealing with franchises. So, there are a whole bunch of things that are going to happen as your business evolves. And there is no quick fix.

You can’t jump in and learn the entire house cleaning business on a weekend. You can jump in and get started on a weekend. There’s a lot you can learn in a weekend, but you can’t learn it all. And so the house cleaners that are expecting, “Well, I’m going to hurry and take one course, and then I have all the training.” That’s foolish because you only have training for that one thing.

There is More Than House Cleaning Training

Cleaning Business Shortcuts, Woman Takes Notes at WorkNow, even if you learn all the house cleaning training, there’s still business training, accounting training, employee management training, and, things like OSHA training.

There’s a whole bunch of different stuff and that all makes you a better business owner for the long haul so that you then can build an empire. So no shortcuts. You need to plan to be here for the long haul. It’s a commitment to be in business like it’s a commitment to be a parent.

If you are a parent, it is a lifelong commitment. You don’t one day say, “Well, I’m done with this because I learned it all last weekend.” Never happened. It’s an ongoing process just like your business.000 Savvy Cleaner Spacer Bar 2020Resources

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