[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]What employee perks can I give my house cleaners and maids to keep them loyal while I grow my cleaning business? Employee perks, bonuses, incentives, gifts and surprises do keep employees motivated.
We Ask a House Cleaner about an employee perks program and unique employee benefits.
Angela Brown, The House Cleaning Guru says reward employees for speed cleaning and quality. This keeps you and your customers happy and is a good way to keep employees happy.
Today’s sponsors are HouseCleaning360 (a place that house cleaners can list their business to get more leads.) My Cleaning Connection (a hub where you can find employee perks and gifts for your house cleaners. And Savvy Cleaner (house cleaning training to grow your business.)
Listen: Employee Perks for House Cleaners and Maids
Watch: Employee Perks for House Cleaners and Maids
Hey there, I’m Angela Brown, and this is Ask a House Cleaner. This is a show where you get to ask a house cleaning question, and I get to help you find an answer.
Question: Employee Perks for House Cleaners and Maids
What are some employee perks that you can offer your employees? You want to keep them coming back to work for you instead of becoming your competitors.
Today’s question comes from a house cleaner who says “I don’t have much money. But I’m getting ready to hire some people. And I want to know what employee perks I can give them, that are a little bit different, a little bit unique and will keep them loyal to me.” Alright so here’s an excellent question, employee perks to keep your employee’s coming back.
Answer: Employee Perks for House Cleaners and Maids
Alright so here’s an excellent question about employee perks to keep your employee’s coming back to work. Employees that feel valued and appreciated will return and be loyal and be happy. And we want our cleaning employees to work for us and not steal our clients and compete with us. So we want to take good care of them. Here are a few inexpensive ways to add value to your team. And I should also mention that the ones you do pay for are tax deductible as a business expense.
Employee Perks #1 – Netflix Subscription
The first one is a Netflix subscription. And you’re like what? Who would have thought of that?
It’s about $12-14 a month as of this production in the USA. And it allows your employees, when they are off the clock, to watch whatever movies and programs that they want with their family.
Now a lot of families are ponying up for this, out of their own pocket. Or they’re paying for cable subscriptions or satellite TV. But when you offer Netflix to your employee, it’s not a lot of money but there’s a lot of enjoyment there.
And so, that’s one less thing that they have to pay for. And a hidden benefit is every time they use it they’re going to think of you, so it’s a great employee perk.
Employee Perks #2 – Yay Days
Alright, the next one is “Yay Days.” On Yay Days you get to take the day off with pay and use it for whatever you want.
If you are having a wellness day, and you are just in a feisty mood. Maybe you need to take a Yay Day and you need to go do something that makes your heart sing. And you would take the day off but you can’t afford to because you need the money. That’s when the Yay Day comes in.
It gives you the latitude to just take a day off, go clear your head have some fun and when you come back you’re in a happy mood.
As the employer, you get to decide when and how many Yay Days each employee gets per year.
Employee Perks #3 – 2 Paid Hotel Nights
More employee perks you might consider are two paid nights in a hotel. You can put a cap of say $200. per night so it’s still affordable to your budget. The employee can split them up and use them on separate occasions or group them together and use them on the same trip.
This is great for a weekend getaway. Or to use if they are in the doghouse and need a place to stay for the night. Or they can use them to offset the price of the family vacation to make it more affordable.
Employee Perks #4 – Restaurant Gift Cards
They don’t have to be fancy restaurants, they can be, but they don’t have to be. Even McDonald’s and Wendy’s and Chick-fil-a and Five Guys, they all have gift cards.
And your employees have to eat. They are always out in the field and it’s easy to use a gift card for a quick lunch between house cleanings.
Restaurant gift cards are another way to say “hey, thanks for your help, I appreciate it.”
Employee Perks #5 – Toastmaster Membership Dues
One of the best employee perks I ever received from a company I worked for was Toastmasters. My boss gave me a paid hour off each week to attend meetings.
It was actually a requirement of my job. My first job I was a scared secretary who refused to answer the phones. I was afraid I wouldn’t have the answers the callers needed. And I was afraid to look anybody in the eye. I was flat out scared of people. And I could not speak in public.
Now Toastmasters is an International Club. They have thirty of forty clubs in every major city around the world.
It’s about $30 every six months (dues vary by club.) And there are manuals that you go through at your own pace with assigned lessons. And it’s a group of supportive people that make you get up every single week and practice speaking in public.
Those lessons teach you how to speak and be sincere. You will learn how to use eye contact, vocal variety and hand gestures. You will learn how to stand, sit and walk, and how to get the most from your body language. The skills you will learn in Toastmasters are transferrable. You will use those skills for meeting and dealing with difficult clients.
You will learn to think on your feet with a segment they do called Table Topics. Table topics is a game where someone asks a question and you have to get up and, on a whim, answer the question in a logical way. You will have a beginning, a body and a close to your answer. And then the audience will give you feedback and help you do better.
Employee Perks #6 – Improv Class
Alright, another one that you might consider is paying for an improv class for your employees.
We often associate improv with comedy – and it can be comical. But you will learn how to “Yes and…” which is an improv technique where when someone gives you a piece of information (think a client with a complaint.) Instead of getting angry and defensive, you say yes, and then you explain how this is good for business.
You take the information the customer gives you and you work with the information rather than against it.
Improv will teach you to think on your feet and work with the information you receive. And yes, sometimes the outcome is also funny.
Improv is a great business investment for house cleaners, and landscapers, and window washers. All home service providers who deal face to face with customers.
Employee Perks #7 – Employee Discount Programs
Discount programs for employees are great because you can partner with major corporations who offer discounts and savings in bundles. These discounts are often 30 to 50% off regular prices and range from rental cars, dental cleanings, vision and accessories, travel, trips, hotels, cruises, shoes, clothes, gifts etc. There are networks with thousands of name companies who offer bulk discounts through savings clubs.
These are just a few employee perks to get your wheels turning. What others can you think of?
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Resources For This Episode
Netflix Gift Cards (3-month, 6-month, 12-month subscriptions) – https://www.netflix.com/redeem
Burger King Gift Cards – http://amzn.to/2tRJFFO
Darden Restaurants Gift Cards (Olive Garden, The Capital Grille, Cheddar’s Scratch Kitchen, Bahama Breeze, Eddie V’s Prime Seafood, LongHorn Steakhouse, Seasons 52, Yard House) – http://amzn.to/2FNRz4M
Wendy’s Gift Cards – http://amzn.to/2tRvdxp
Subway Gift Cards, Multipack of 3 – http://amzn.to/2FGSLuo
Jack in the Box Gift Cards – http://amzn.to/2pe8LtH
NOTE: We have an entire list of birthday gifts, bonuses, incentives, stuff for employee contests, and other rewards for employees or that special service provider in your life. Check out https://mycleaningconnection.com/gifts
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Show Sponsor
Savvy Cleaner Training – House Cleaner Training and Certification
HouseCleaning360 – Referral database of the world’s most prominent home service providers and the homeowners they serve.
My Cleaning Connection – Your hub for all things cleaning.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_single_image image=”17200″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center” onclick=”custom_link” link=”https://savvyperks.com”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text]This infographic was crafted with love by Officevibe, the software that shows you how to encourage employee recognition to create a greater workplace.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]