[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_facebook][vc_column_text]“What employee records do I need to keep for my house cleaning business? Besides employee records are there legal documents I will later need to grow my cleaning business? And do the employee records need to be agreements in writing or can they be verbal agreements?”
We Ask a House Cleaner about rules and regulations for employee files.
Angela Brown, The House Cleaning Guru talks policies and agreements to solve issues in your maid service. You don’t have to be a clean guru, but it helps to be a savvy cleaner.
Today’s sponsors are HouseCleaning360 (where you can list your cleaning business and find leads.) My Cleaning Connection – a hub for cool cleaning stuff. And Savvy Cleaner Training and house cleaner education.
Listen: Employee Records You Need to Keep on File
Watch: Employee Records You Need to Keep on File
Hey there, I’m Angela Brown, and this is Ask a House Cleaner. This is a show where you get to ask a house cleaning question, and I get to help you find an answer.
Question: Employee Records You Need to Keep on File
What files should you keep on record for your employees? It’s an excellent question, and it comes from Kris.
Hi Angela, my name is Kris and I would like to know when hiring new employees, what files (tax records and personal documents) Should I keep? Do you keep track of their work goals? I want to be able to notice patterns and anything like that.
Answer: Employee Records You Need to Keep on File
Hey Kris, that is an excellent question, and every employee is going to be a little bit different. You will have basic hiring and firing policies that you will have on record for your employees. And I’d keep a copy of all the agreements that you use to run your business.
Keep Copies of All Standard Employee Records
Now, as your business grows you are going to be making up rules to determine what the new policies work for your business.
Let’s say that you have a particular employee that shows up and they have bad hygiene. And after a few days or weeks, the other employees don’t want to work around that person. Maybe they have body odor, or they smell, or they don’t brush their teeth, or they never shower, or whatever it is. And that’s a poor reflection on your business.
And so, what you may have to do is create a brand-new policy that wasn’t even part of your business. Now it’s a new company initiative.
Keep Copies of Employee Records for New Policies
As you create a new policy you want to make sure that it is in writing. And then you want to explain it verbally to all your employees.
Then you get a verbal agreement with them nodding their head saying “Yes, I understand that these are the new policies that go into effect today.”
And then you have them sign the documentation and you give them a copy. This they can take home for their records.
Keep a Copy of Signed Employee Records on File
Some companies run into problems they never had before. Earphones or earbuds for example.
Some companies have a no earphone, or earbud policy. You are not allowed to listen to music, podcasts, or books on tape, while you’re cleaning because it will slow you down.
And other companies that say “Yes, we have an earbud policy, where you can listen with one earbud in your ear. This way you can still pay attention if the homeowners come and go. Or if there are dogs barking, or if someone knocks at the door, or what have you.”
As You Create New Rules, Create New Employee Records
Stuff will happen in your business that will trigger a new rule. Until it does, you may not have rules or employee records for those rules in place.
So, don’t beat yourself up if you don’t have a whole bunch of policies in place from day one. But as those policies happen, as the need arises and you create those policies, go ahead and put it down on paper. And like I say, make sure that it’s verbal, and in a little meeting where you’re like “Hey, guys, we’re changing our rules, and here’s why. Do you understand the new rules, and that they go into effect today?”
Refer to Employee Records Before Firing an Employee
Now, if you ever have to fire an employee for any reason, you have signed documents on file. And you have the date that they signed it so that you know when the rules went into effect. Any and all write ups you keep in their file with their employee records.
Are your employees showing up late for work? Do they call out sick often? Are they bullying coworkers? Do they sass clients? These are things that go in the employee file.
The Employee Records Protect You as a Boss
The intention is not to nitpick and not to find fault with your employees but keep a record just in case. Keep track if they are bossing coworkers around. Or if they’re antagonistic, or if they are just nitpicky and fighting and irritable. You need to have a record of that because that might be their demise.
But if you don’t keep a running total of the complaints from coworkers or customers, then it’s hard to fire an employee legally.
Employee Records Show the Employee You’re Trying to Help Them
Keep records of conversations with employees. Any time you announce new rules. Keep minutes of evaluations to show the employee you’re paying attention and trying to help them.
Now, it could be that the employee is just slow, and if they’re not keeping pace while cleaning you need to know. You need to have a record of that that says “Hey, we discussed this particular issue, we upped the training, these are the changes that we made. We swapped out their tasks so that they are more likely to succeed.”
And so, you want to document that so the employee feels a sense of success in their work. And then if you have to let them go for some reason, you have a documented list of things that have transpired.
Employee Records Should Include Basics Like Tax Info
All right, so there’s no set-in-stone list of things for an employee personnel file, but you do want your regular priorities. Include in your employee file your hours of operation, when they get paid, when their lunch breaks are, all those agreements.
And then, of course, you want their 1099, or their W-2 information. Keep track of how and when you pay them. Do you pay them with a payroll service? Or do you use direct deposit? Either way, you will have that legal information on file as well.
Any other pertinent information feels free to include for reporting requirements. You’re the boss and you get to decide what to keep.
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Resources For This Episode
The Best Team Wins: Build Your Business Through Predictive Hiring – http://amzn.to/2FRijoT
Knock ’em Dead Hiring the Best: Proven Tactics for Successful – http://amzn.to/2ptFUlr
Add Product to List the Manager’s Book of Questions: 1001 Great Interview Questions for Hiring – http://amzn.to/2DJOJf4
Hiring and Keeping the Best People – http://amzn.to/2FX4kd3
How to Hire the Right People – http://amzn.to/2DKsllI
High Velocity Hiring: How to Hire Top Talent in an Instant – http://amzn.to/2DK6tqJ
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