Faith or Fear? Which Fuel Runs Your Cleaning Biz?

Faith or Fear Angela Brown Ask a House Cleaner
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Faith or fear? Which one runs your business, and how do you bridge the gap between being afraid and having faith?

Faith or fear? Which one runs your business, and how do you bridge the gap between being afraid and having faith? Because once you have faith, amazing things will start to happen and your business will take off!

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Hey there, I’m Angela Brown, and this is Ask a House Cleaner. This is a show where you get to ask a house cleaning question, and I get to help you find an answer. You can find this and 400 other answered questions in this series on our YouTube channel.

Are You Coming From a Place of Faith or Fear?

Faith or Fear, The Abundance SeriesAre you running your cleaning business from a place of faith or fear? Now this week, we’re doing what we’re calling the Abundance Series. And we’re taking you from a place of, “I don’t have enough money to run my business” to “I am prosperous in my business and I’m thriving.” But the question is, are you running your business right now from a place of faith or fear?

And I get told all the time, “Well, Angela, I don’t believe in God. And so, therefore, I can’t have faith.” Faith has nothing to do with God. Even if you don’t believe in God, that doesn’t mean God doesn’t believe in you, all right?

The Sun Will Come Up Even if You Don’t Believe in it

Faith or Fear, Sun In SkySo here’s how it works. Let’s pretend for a second that you decide, “Well, I don’t believe in the sun.” And so, you’re going to go outside and there’s sun out there like it’s kind of like a law of the universe, it comes up every day. But you don’t believe in it. That’s okay. The sun is going to come up in spite of you. It doesn’t need you to believe in it, right? It believes in itself. It’s going to do its own thing. It’s a law of the universe that happens without you, okay?

So that said, you can get up and you can put on your great big fancy sun hat “I don’t believe in the sun.” Then you put on your sunglasses. And then you put on your long sleeve shirt.

And then you put on sunscreen with whatever skin is left that you can see. That doesn’t make the sun go away. There’s sun for everyone else. There’s just no sun for you, right? That’s how that works.

Having Faith Lets You Tap into Your Resources

Faith or Fear, Man Standing, With Faith the Possibilities Are EndlessSo if you have faith, you’re going to be able to tap into all of the resources that are already available to you even if you don’t believe in them, okay? I just need you to bridge the gap between “I don’t believe“, which is a place of fear to a place of faith, okay?

When you have faith, the possibilities are endless. And I want you to start thinking about possibilities. If we’re going to go from here in your business financially over to here and we’re going to grow this huge empire, you have to have faith. You have to believe that it is possible. You have to believe in the eternal laws of the universe, like the sun coming up every morning.

It’s going to happen with or without you, right? You might as well jump on the bandwagon and go, “Hey, there’s the sun. How can it grow what I’m planting“, right?

Fear Attracts More Fear

Faith or Fear, Upset Man on ComputerSo I want you to stop and ask yourself, “Am I coming from a place of fear or faith?” Because if you are in fear, you’re going to attract more fear into your business. And that’s going to squash all of the progress that you’re making. Now, I want to talk for a second about the laws of attraction. And I know this sounds like a woo-woo concept, but you do it whether you know it or not. It is one of the laws of the universe.

Here’s how it works. And I’m going to translate it into terms you might understand. Try this out today. Jump into a Facebook group, I don’t care which one, and say something like, “Oh, you’re not going to believe what my customer did. They did this, that and the other.” And then just wait. And a whole bunch of your friends because you’re attracting that, you’re putting that out there, a whole bunch of your friends will be attracted to that.

And they’ll say, “Oh, shame on that customer. I can’t believe that customer did that. You should drop that customer. The customer is no good for you.” And you will attract a whole bunch of people who have that same attitude.

Positive Posts Attract Positive People

Faith or Fear, Excited Man on ComputerNow, if you make a different kind of post and you can post them simultaneously. Post another one that says, “You’re not going to blame my customer. I’ve got the best customers in the world. My customer said this and then they gave me a tip and they were so excited that I was there. And I was pleased because I did my best work at their house today.”

And then you’re going to attract a whole bunch of people. They might even be the same people where you’re going to attract people and they’re going to say, “Go girl. Go guy. I’m so excited. Congratulations, you deserve this. This is awesome. I have a client like that. I wish I had a client like that.”

You’re going to attract a whole bunch of people that will also buy into that thinking, okay? That is the law of attraction at its finest.

What You Put Out There is What Comes Back to You

Faith or Fear, Child Holding CarrotsWhatever you put out there is what comes back to you. It’s like planting a garden. If I go out and I plant carrot seeds, huh, I cannot hope for potatoes. I planted carrots, I grew up on a farm. I know how this works. You’ll plant carrots, you get carrots, right?

Whatever you’re planting, whatever seeds you’re planting in your business, and this is metaphorical, whatever you’re planting is what you will reap. That is the harvest you will reap. And it takes some time to nurture it and have it grow but that’s what’s going to come up.

If you get six months down the road and you change your mind and you go, “I changed my mind. I don’t want carrots.” Carrots are still coming up. That’s what you’ve planted and that’s what you’re going to get.

Stop Planting Fear and Come From a Place of Faith

Faith or Fear, Man Looking UpSo I need you to stop right now if all you’re planting is fear. I need you to stop planting fear and come from a place of faith. Because like I said, the sun is coming up with or without you. Whether you believe in it or not, it’s coming up without you, right?

So you might as well jump on the bandwagon and participate in the eternal laws of the universe. This is what you put out there, it’s what you’re going to get back, okay?

000 Savvy Cleaner Spacer Bar 2020Resources

100 Days of Faith Over Fear –

Faith over Fear Hat | Distressed Baseball Cap –

Faith over Fear T-shirt –

Faith Over Fear Apparel –

It’s All Under Control: A Journey of Letting Go, Hanging On, and Finding Peace –

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