Should I Run Flyers for my House Cleaning Business?
Yes. Running flyers is a great way to get noticed by the people you want to work for. It also allows you to target the geographic hub where you want to work.
Flyers are a great cheap way of advertising your business. If you do it correctly you can have business coming in within a day or two. And lots of people save the flyers. If they are not ready to hire you today, they can hire you when they are ready.
And once you have clients, you can work from referrals after that. I’ve moved several times over the years, and each time I have started my business over from scratch. No clients, same business, new neighborhood, new clientele.
The System Works
I have used the exact same system, the same flyers, and the same process. And I have received the exact same successful results. So I’m sharing it with you because it works.
You are in business for yourself, so you can do whatever you want. And you change the system however you want. It won’t hurt my feelings. But if your system doesn’t work, come back to this system, because it works.
Follow it step-by-step and rebuild your business so you have recurring clients and a steady stream of cash flow. (I’ve laid the whole program out in the Start a House Cleaning Business ebook. (FREE Download here)
I buy one ream of colored paper. (500 sheets) The cost for this is $10 to $15 dollars – usually like $11.49 or something like that.
Print in Black Ink
Use your home printer to print up the flyers and print them in black and white ink. Don’t spend lavish amounts of money on glossy brochures or four color printing. That will give the impression that you are a franchise with an $80,000 investment who needs to recoup those costs.
You are a one man/woman show out of the shoot. You are professional, but you keep your costs low because every dollar you save, is a dollar in your pocket. Your flyer will tell your customer exactly what type of business you are. And that translates into the client asking “is this the right cleaning service for me?”
Your flyer will answer a series of questions the client will have.
So, What Should My Flyer Say?
The good news is you can say whatever you want it to say. You can have pictures or bullet points.
Regardless of what you write on your flyer, you need to answer some basic questions:
- Who are you?
- What are you selling?
- Why do I need your Service?
- How do I get in touch with you?
- Do you have a website or email?
- Do you guarantee your work?
- How much do you charge? Or Are you affordable?
- Are you bonded and insured? (If you are not, and you choose not to be, do not advertise this on your flyer. Only list it if you ARE bonded and insured.)
- Do you accept credit cards?
- Do you work weekends? (If you do not work weekends, do not advertise this either. Only list it if you are willing to work weekends.)
Here’s the One I’ve Used for 25 Years That Works for Me
Click the link and I’ll send you a copy you can edit and use free of charge.
Yes! Send me a Copy I can edit and use today. (
Or, you can create your own from scratch. Google the term (House Cleaning Flyer). Hundreds of samples of house cleaning flyers will pop up. You will see full-color flyers, and some that are black and white. Some have tear tags, while others appear to be business cards.
Some work and some don’t. But Google the term and look at what others have done.
If you’re not particular, use mine. It’s proven and it works and it will save you all afternoon going down a rabbit hole of graphic design and ad copy.
To get the most from your efforts here are some simple rules to follow.
The Right Way and Wrong Way of Flyers
Right Way:
Print 2 flyers on one piece of paper and save money.
Print in black & white rather than color – it makes you look like a small business. It makes your services look more approachable and affordable. Slick shiny full-color flyers suggest a franchise or high-end cleaning service that has high operating costs.
Organized layout suggests organized thinking.
Use 1 graphic per flyer that says what you are selling. (Tell your story in 1 simple, black and white graphic.)
Target the neighborhoods you want to work in.
List your credentials (Bonding & Insurance, Accepts Credit Cards, __ years experience, etc.)
Leave in a newspaper box, under a door, in the door jam etc.
Wrong Way:
Print 1 flyer per page – it wastes paper and is not eco-friendly.
Disorganized graphic layout – suggests disorganized person or company.
Multiple graphics make the flyer look cluttered and dilutes the message.
Too small of font – gets tossed without reading.
Don’t them in mailboxes. Mailboxes are federal property. If caught there can be fines along with regular postage charges. (And they will find you because your email and your phone number is on the flyer.)
Leaving them in parking lots on cars requires a permit and if you don’t have a permit, it can invoke a fine.
Leaving them on community bulletin boards, coffee shops, or signposts invite calls from anywhere. People who gather at those places are from different geographical locations. You don’t want to travel anywhere to clean. You don’t get paid for travel time and expense and you don’t want to waste time and gas money driving thirty minutes to the next client.
I do NOT recommend a flyer with tear tags – like the one shown here. People rip off the tag and then and they put it in their pocket never to be seen again. When they get home, they can’t remember what it was they were calling about. Super non-effective.
Deliver Your Flyers
A cut up flyer (1/2 page of an 8 x 11 sheet of paper) fits nicely in a shoebox on the passenger seat of the car for easy access while delivering flyers. You can buy a small jar of SortKwik to keep your fingers moist while you keep reaching for the next flyer.
Depending on the neighborhood, there are better times of the day and week to run flyers. What works best for the cleaners in our network is to go around 9:00 am on a weekday. We use a weekday because people check their mail on weekdays. Everybody has left for work and you can get in and deliver your flyers before the mail truck comes. Also, avoid garbage pick-up day. You don’t want to be navigating in and around garbage cans out on the street.
Start on the left side of the street. Drive slow with your blinkers (hazard lights) on. Leave your flyer in the newspaper box. DO NOT LEAVE YOUR FLYERS IN THE MAILBOX. The mailbox is federal property and is illegal to open anyone else’s mailbox.
Instead, leave the flyers in the newspaper tubes, or taped to the newspaper tube. Don’t be obnoxious with it. You don’t want to send the wrong message right off the bat. You just people to see your flyer.
Watch for and yield to cars pulling out of their driveways, kids on bicycles, women or men walking pets etc. Always give them the right of way.
If you see someone out in their yard or near the mailbox when you approach, smile, wave and hand them your flyer. You want to portray your best image even when out running flyers.
You might even consider wearing your house cleaning uniform, in case somebody asks you on the spot to come in and “bid the job”. This has happened to me more than once.
You are an advertisement – make sure when running flyers, that your car is clean.
Free Ebook: Start Your Own House Cleaning Business
Flyers You Can Edit and Use Today