“How often should I clean my house?” A DIY house cleaning homeowner wants cleaning advice on a cleaning routine.
“How often should I clean my house if I have a house cleaner?” “Do they clean my space or do we break it up by daily chores and weekly chores?”
Today on Ask a House Cleaner we look at tips like habit stacking and having a whole house cleaning routine. “How often should I clean my house if I’m a savvy cleaner?” Angela Brown, The House Cleaning Guru says if you’re asking this question, you’re well on your way.
Listen: How Often Should I Clean My House?

Watch: How Often Should I Clean My House?
Hey there, I’m Angela Brown, and this is Ask a House Cleaner. This is a show where you get to ask a house cleaning question, and I get to help you find an answer.
Question: How Often Should I Clean My House?
Today’s question comes from a homeowner, that wants to know, “Angela, how often am I supposed to clean my house?”
Answer: How Often Should I Clean My House?
Okay, I love that question for this reason, how often are you supposed to take a shower? The answer is as often as you need it. How often are you supposed to brush your teeth? Well, the rule would say twice, three times a day. But the answer is as often as you need it.
The same goes with your house. Now, if you’re hiring a house cleaner, it would be easy to say, “Well, they come every other week. And so I don’t need to clean my house except for every other week.”
The truth is, when your house cleaner comes, they’re doing what’s called bi-weekly chores. Those are chores that you can delay for a couple of weeks.
Bi-Weekly Chores
These are things like cleaning the baseboards and maybe mopping certain areas of your house that don’t get much use.
It might be wiping down furniture or polishing furniture that doesn’t get much use. Or wiping down things that can go for a couple of weeks without getting wiped. But there are chores that need to get done every single day and on a regular basis.
Make It A Routine
Every day, and maybe sometimes a few times a day. Like, how many times a day should you do your dishes? Well, the answer is every time you eat something.
There’s a routine that becomes automatic. You want a routine that’s automatic so that you’re not thinking about it. You don’t wake up in the morning and say, “Oh, I got to go clean my house.” That’s no fun, right? But if you just having these little habits, then it just becomes routine.
Second Nature, Like Driving
Do you remember when you first started learning how to drive? You would get in the car and you would be nervous. Your knuckles would be white, and you’d be hanging onto the steering column for dear life?
You would put on your seatbelt, check the mirrors, and have your hands at 10 and 2. Then you would pull out of your driveway. Only then did you speed up and drive to where you were going.
But once on the highway, you would make sure not to go over the speed limit. Once it was time to park, you made sure that you did everything to park well. You get the point, right?
Habits Become Second Nature
After a while, the driving becomes second nature. You get in the car, put on your seatbelt, and you’re gone. There’s no thinking about backing out or turning the corner. There’s no thinking about stopping at stoplights. Your mind just knows what to do, right? There’s no anticipation, no anxiety or worry.
So, whenever you start a new habit, there’s gonna be that white-knuckle moment. The moment where you think, “Am I doing it right?” But the answer is, there’s no right or wrong. The more you do it, the more you learn. The more it becomes second nature to you.
Natural Habits
When you get up in the morning, there’s a series of things that you already do. You get up and then you make your bed, right?
It’s just a habit that you create that stacks on top of the habit of you waking up in the morning. You then go to the bathroom and you take a shower or get dressed. These are habits that stack on top of each other. So, if you are doing a series of things, what house cleaning items can you tag on top of that as just natural habits?
It’s a great question because you’re going to eat every day, right? As you eat, what happens after the meal? Well, you take your dishes to the sink. That’s one habit.
If you stand there for 30 seconds and rinse the dishes out, that’s another little habit. You just stacked this on top of a good habit, which was taking your dishes to the sink. Another habit could be putting away the dishes as you wait for your meal to warm up in the microwave. That’s two minutes turned into a good habit.
House Maintenance Doesn’t Have To Be A Chore
Keeping these little habits makes daily tasks a tiny routine. It all becomes second nature. This creates a clean home environment. Your home will always be tidy because you’re always picking it up and maintaining it.
So, how often do you need to clean your house? Lots of times a day, because it’s a space that you live in. And if you take good care of the space that you live in, it’s like taking good care of yourself. If you have great hygiene and you’re a happy person, it reflects through everything that you do.
So when you come to a tidy and clean home, it makes you feel like it’s your heaven on earth. It’s the little habits that can make all the difference. So create good habits that then serve you for the rest of your life.
Alrighty, so that’s it for today. Until we meet again, leave the world a cleaner place than when you found it.
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Resources For This Episode
30 Days to a Clean and Organized House: A complete guide to transforming your home – http://amzn.to/2wOh98f
Simply Clean: The Proven Method for Keeping Your Home Organized, Clean, and Beautiful in Just 10 Minutes a Day – http://amzn.to/2gRpD8g
Clean My Space: The Secret to Cleaning Better, Faster, and Loving Your Home Every Day – http://amzn.to/2xka4NE
The Complete Book of Home Organization: 200+ Tips and Projects – http://amzn.to/2gTlhgV
The Mindset of Organization: Take Back Your House One Phase at a Time – http://amzn.to/2wONM4P
The Homemade Housewife: The last book you will ever need on homemaking and frugal living – http://amzn.to/2eMq6EA
365 Daily Do Its: Organizing Tips and Challenges to Help You Get (and Stay) Organized Throughout the Year – http://amzn.to/2wOTnYW
http://www.developgoodhabits.com/reward-yourself/ – Habit Stacking
What’s your daily MIT (Most Important Task) as a business owner?
Habits: Simple and Effective Strategies to develop Positive and Good Habits permanently for a Successful Life – http://amzn.to/2xkdkZk
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