Living a Life of Wealth

Living a Life of Wealth Angela Brown Ask a House Cleaner
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Living a life of wealth, how do you get there from when you start your business? What does that look like to you?

Living a life of wealth, how do you get there from when you start your business? What does that look like to you? Well, you can start living that life of wealth today! When you find out what your wealthy life looks like, you can start living it right now!

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Hey there, I’m Angela Brown, and this is Ask a House Cleaner. This is a show where you get to ask a house cleaning question, and I get to help you find an answer. You can find this and 400 other answered questions in this series on our YouTube channel.

How Do You Live a Life of Wealth?

Living a Life of Wealth, The Abundance SeriesHow do you live a life of wealth when you’re flat on your butt broke? This is the last in our Abundance Series for house cleaners who are starting a business, and they’re growing to wild success. The reason we have this series is that when you get to wild success and you build a million-dollar business, or whatever the end goal is, many times we don’t sustain it.

Because number one, we don’t recognize it when we’ve arrived. Number two, we don’t feel like we’re worthy and we deserve it. And number three, we don’t have a foundation that supports that kind of lifestyle. Then when we get there, then we’re going to change our whole lifestyle and then we’re going to be rich.

Start Living Your Life of Wealth Right Now

Living a Life of Wealth, Woman ThinkingThe secret to living a life of wealth is to start right now, living the life of wealth right now, and then perfecting it as you go, as you grow your business. When you get to the wild success of having the money, your life will already be an inflow of being wealthy and successful, okay? It’s not something we’re going to do when we get there, it’s something we’re going to do right now.

So one of the exercises that we’re going to do is, sit down and write down what does living a life of wealth look like to you?

One of the most interesting things about this exercise is this. Many of the things that you will come up with have little or anything to do with money at all.

Your Wealthy Life Might Not Involve Money

Living a Life of Wealth, Happy Family Having MealThere are things like, oh, my family will get along so well, we’ll go to a nice resort like you see in the movies or you see in the brochures and we’ll be sitting there visiting and chatting and having dinner, and it will be fun.

Well, you can start doing that right now. Maybe it’s not a resort, but right now, today, you can turn off the smartphones, you can turn off the TV. You can sit there and you can have that exact conversation over a meal with your family today, right?

You Can Start Getting Fit Right Now

Living a Life of Wealth, Happy Family RunningThere are students that will go through this exercise and they say, “Oh, I’ll be in perfect health. I’ll get in shape, and I’ll have a nutritionist. And they will help me with my diet and help me eat healthy things.” Okay, you can do that today. Maybe you don’t have a private chef, but you can watch what you put in your body.

We’ve got this multi-million dollar machine that you cut yourself and it heals itself, right? You teach yourself something and you just get smarter and smarter as you go. You’ve got mobility. We can move around, we can clean. We can create stuff with our hands. What would you pay for this kind of a body, right?

Yet we buy stuff off the dollar menu and we eat things out of little boxes and heat up packages. And we just feed our body with crap until we feel lethargic and we feel awful. And then we wonder why. Well, when I’m rich, then I’ll eat healthy foods.

You can start eating healthy foods right now. Even the fast-food places have healthy choices. The grocery stores have healthy choices. We have to decide, I now live a life of wealth. And what that means is I got to take care of the machine that’s going to get me there, right? You can start doing that today.

You Can Start Getting Organized Right Now

Living a Life of Wealth, Woman Buying CoatsWe have students that will go through this and they’ll say, “Well, I’ll live in a spacious home and I’ll have a place for everything and everything will be in its space.” You can start doing that today. You don’t need money to organize your home, to get rid of the clutter, and to get rid of some of the stuff you’re no longer using. You can do that today.

So living a life of wealth starts today. And you start today by perfecting the small areas of your life that if you add lots of money and you can have this wild imagination, what would that look like?

Start Saving for Nice Stuff That Lasts

Living a Life of Wealth, Traditional FurnitureA lot of our students will say, “I would have nice stuff.” Okay well, you can have nice stuff today. Stop buying cheap stuff from the clearance rack and save your money and buy nice stuff right now. I know that when my husband and I got married, we decided that we could buy some cheap furniture and replace it every couple of years, or we could save our money and buy some nice furniture that would stand the test of time. We opted for the nice furniture.

What’s interesting is we’re now 20 years into our marriage and our furniture still looks like it does the day we bought it. It’s wrought iron and it’s leather and it’s durable stuff. It’s made of real wood and it’s got rivets and it’s nice stuff. We didn’t go for the cheap stuff.

We’ve only ever had nice furniture, but it will still stand the test of time because we bought traditional stuff that’s not trendy. It’s not going out of style and it’s going to last, right?

Having a Lot of Stuff Isn’t Real Wealth

Living a Life of Wealth, Sad Woman With Shopping BagsYou can buy nice stuff if you opt for that lifestyle and you don’t just follow the quick whim of whatever’s on sale right now. We plug our homes with a lot of stuff because having stuff makes us feel wealthy, it really doesn’t. It just adds clutter to our life and that adds chaos and confusion. So we look at these fancy brochures.

What’s interesting about the fancy brochures is they’re minimal, there’s very little stuff. What you see in the pictures of the fancy brochures of the people who are wealthy, is people actually having conversations with each other. It’s people enjoying moments, it’s people enjoying the sunrise, it’s people out jogging. It’s people exercising. Usually, it’s people having moments that celebrate the human condition, right? It’s people helping people.

Money Only Makes You More of Who You Are

Living a Life of Wealth, Upset ManAnd so if you stop and you realize that money is only a vehicle that makes you more of who you are, you can start living a life that’s wealthy right now. Dr. Lloyd Glauberman said, “Many people have money, but their lives are not rich.”

How tragic would it be to get to the place that we think is supposed to bring us happiness, and we have the money. Yet our lives are not rich because we haven’t cultivated those lives along the way.

So today, the exercise today is what does wealth look like to you? Does it mean health and happiness, does it mean more time with your family? Does it mean going out and dancing and having actual moments with the people that you love?

Is it having group activities where you guys celebrate togetherness and you’re all playing your guitars and you’re singing and you’re sitting around a campfire? Those things don’t cost money. Those are things that you do because you live a life of wealth.

When You Get Money You Will Be Prepared

Living a Life of Wealth, House Cleaner With VacuumThen when you get the money, you’re just going to go, “Oh yeah, but of course.” You’ve sustained the foundation and you’ve built the life that’s going to support having the extra money. And having the extra money will just be a nice thing on the side, it won’t be the end goal.

Because if you’re waiting until you have money to live a life of wealth, you’ll be disappointed when you have the money, because you’ll fall into that category where many people have money, but their lives are not rich.

Decide what a wealthy life looks like to you. Who’s in it? What do you have to do to get there? And is there something you can start today? Because so many of the things that to us mean wealth have very, very little to do with the actual dollars themselves.

000 Savvy Cleaner Spacer Bar 2020Resources

Living a Rich Life: The No-Regrets Guide to Building and Spending Wealth –

When Anything is Possible: Wealth and The Art of Strategic Living –

Enjoy The Journey: Creating Wealth and Living the Life You Desire –

The Simple Path to Wealth: Your road map to financial independence and a rich, free life –

I Will Teach You to Be Rich, Second Edition: No Guilt. No Excuses. No BS –

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