Podcasts open a world of edutainment. Learn while you clean. Learn while you drive.
Today on Ask a House Cleaner Angela Brown, The House Cleaning Guru talks about discovering podcasts on a road trip. She was seeking audible learning. She found The Art of Charm with Jordan Harbinger, a podcast for men.
Enamored with the learning library in your pocket concept, she searched for more podcasts. She discovered motivation, inspiration, education, and entertainment.
Never the same since finding a whole new world. Delivered free by Google, Audible, Stitcher, Soundcloud and iTunes.
Listen: Podcasts – Learn While You Clean

Watch: Podcasts – Learn While You Clean
Hey there, I’m Angela Brown, and this is Ask a House Cleaner. This is a show where you get to ask a house cleaning question, and I get to help you find an answer.

Question: What Podcasts Do You Recommend for House Cleaners?
Today’s question comes from a housecleaner who says: “Angela while I’m working and no one is at home, sometimes I like to listen to podcasts. Do you have any podcasts that you would recommend for house cleaners?”
Answer: My Favorite Podcasts And Why
This is a fun question for me because I’m really new to podcasts.
I don’t know why I never listen to them. Maybe it’s because I didn’t have the right smartphone. Or I didn’t know how to make the apps work or whatever I don’t know.
I’m not that technical when it comes to how the smartphone works and it has all kinds of apps I’m just discovering.
The Road Trip That Changed My Life
A couple of years ago I had a car out in Los Angeles California, and I was going to drive it back to Charlotte North Carolina. It was a cross-country trip. And I knew I would be on the road for about 3 days. I wanted to occupy my mind while I was driving to keep myself awake.
So, I did a Google search for “what is the best thing to listen to?” I didn’t even know the term podcasting.
And podcasting popped up and along with that came a recommendation for a podcast that was designed for men.
It’s called The Art of Charm by Jordan Harbinger. And basically, it is a cognitive thinking series of skills where he interviews experts in the field of education and information. …And business and prosperity, and self-confidence and self-help and all of the things that you need to know to be a successful person.
So, I downloaded the podcast on my cell phone.
And I plugged it into my car as I drove across the country.
There Are Thousands Of Podcasts On Every Imaginable Topic
And I didn’t know there were hundreds and thousands of podcasts on a variety of different topics. I didn’t even know that existed, I just only knew about this one podcast so, I listen to this one podcast all the way across the country for three days straight.
What’s really interesting is it’s not really just for men. All of the rules that they talk about and all of the skills are personal development skills that anyone, anywhere including women, can learn from, and implement.
And so, I was super excited because I came home with this new set of skills. I then started implementing these new tactics on all my employees. I tried them on my husband, and I use them in my own personal life, they became a part of me.
What Other Podcasts Are Available To Me
In discovering the world of podcasting, my next default is: “What else is out there?”
And so I have a series of podcasts that are my favorite podcast and I update that list on a regular basis.
Angela Brown’s Favorite Podcasts – bit.ly/2rIZZao
I started looking for podcasts on house cleaning because that’s our industry that’s what we do. And I found a couple that had some really great ideas. But there wasn’t one specifically answering my questions about house cleaning.
There were some that were some for other industries but I couldn’t find quite what I was looking for in the house cleaning space.
Can’t Find Podcast To Fit Your Need? Create One
And so, when I first learned about podcasts I had no idea I would come up with my own podcast.
That wasn’t even on the horizon. I wasn’t part of my business plan.
The good news is these podcasts are free. The Apps they stream from are free. And they are available on iTunes and Stitcher and Google Play, SoundCloud and all the different podcast apps that are out there.
So if Ask a House Cleaner is not on your favorite podcast app, shoot us an email at Angela[at ]AskaHouseCleaner.com and we will have our production team contact the person that owns your app. And we will add this podcast to your library so that you can listen to this on your way to clean your houses every morning.
The premium Ask a House Cleaner tips are only 5 to 8 minutes long and my intention for creating a daily show is so you can listen on your way to work.
Have You Downloaded Any Free Podcasts Lately?
What’s the big deal? Well, it’s been said that you are the sum total of the 5 people you hang out with the most.
As a provider of house cleaning services, you often hang out alone, and unless you want to become who you are x 5 (LOL just kidding) you had better find some new ideas and new energy to latch on to.
Due to the nature of running a cleaning service, you are in your car driving to and from work, you are moving around while you work, and instead of thinking stinking thoughts about your relatives or your clients – you can be listening to podcasts. Fill your mind with spectacular ideas that will change your very outlook on life. You can get an entire education while working on the job and no one is the wiser.
What is the Best Podcast for a House Cleaner?
It is whatever motivates, inspires, educates, or entertains you. There are no “right or wrong” podcasts to listen to. But while driving or working, avoid video podcasts. Or podcasts that have soothing sounds that will put you to sleep. Instead, choose serial podcasts that tell a story. Or continue the education process, something upbeat that makes you work faster while listening.
Podcasts are full of so much information that was once only available to the elite, the rich, and the super famous – and now it’s available to us free through a free podcast app on our phone.
You don’t need to create multiple libraries, just choose one podcast app. They pretty much all have the same content.
How to Subscribe to New Podcasts
* Do a search for the topic, or a series of topics, that interests you and simply click on the subscribe button. It’s that easy. Every time there is an update, or new episode released, it automatically downloads the new podcasts into your smartphone. When the podcast is finished playing, the podcast app automatically starts the next podcast in your personal library so you don’t have to stop
When the podcast is finished playing, the podcast app automatically starts the next podcast in your personal library so you don’t have to stop cleaning or stop driving to choose something new to listen to. Cool huh?
I simply wear Bluetooth wireless earphones and these particular headphones also have a microphone built in. So if you get a call while cleaning, you can take it without taking your phone out of your pocket. Hands-free – you can keep right on working. The podcast automatically pauses while the phone call cuts in. After the call, your podcast resumes.
I’m now the equivalent of 5 people (whose podcasts I listen to) that I’ve never met. WOOHOO!
What Will You Listen to and Who Will You Become?
For me, it all started with The Art of Charm. The podcast designed for men but useful, positive, uplifting, informational, educational, entertainment that women can use as well.
NOTE: Jordan ends every show by saying: Leave the world and everyone in it, better than you found them. In honor of him and his teachings, we have a similar ending. But instead of leaving the world better, we’re leaving it cleaner. And every time we sign off on a show – it’s a hats off to Jordan who started this incredible journey for me.
Alrighty, that’s my tip for today. And until we meet again., leave the world a cleaner place than when you found it.
During the shows we recommend services, sites, and products to help you improve your cleaning and grow your cleaning business. We have partnerships with these companies to provide you with discounts, and savings. By clicking on and buying from the links in the show notes, we may receive a commission which helps pay for the production costs of the show.
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Learn how the show came to be, interesting facts about the show host, and other frequently asked questions about the show.
Resources From This Show
The Art of Charm | Social Science | Cognitive Psychology | Confidence | Relationship Advice | Behavioral Economics – http://apple.co/2sQqLxd
Ask a House Cleaner | Angela Brown | Savvy Cleaner | House Cleaning Tips – http://apple.co/2sJaA4H
Bluetooth Wireless Headphones – http://amzn.to/2tGIVOT
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SAVVY CLEANER – House Cleaner Training and Certification – https://savvycleaner.com
HOUSECLEANING360 – Referral database of the world’s most prominent home service providers and the homeowners they serve. https://housecleaning360.com