House Cleaning without Religious Stereotypes

Ask a House Cleaner, Religious Stereotypes, Savvy Cleaner
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Religious stereotypes are nothing to keep you from house cleaning. When a customer says "Clean my space and respect my religious stereotypes." It's usually because their religion and beliefs honor the tradition of a clean house. Angela Brown, the House Cleaning Guru in today's Ask a House Cleaner digs into religious stereotypes. Clean with me on today's pro cleaning tips and allow your customers to worship how, where or what they may. Our sponsors are Savvy Cleaner (house cleaner training.) My Cleaning Connection (a hub for cool cleaning stuff.) HouseCleaning360 (list your business and find leads.) And Savvy Perks (An employee benefits program for small businesses.)

Religious Stereotypes different religions on street signs pointing in all directionsReligious stereotypes are nothing to keep you from house cleaning. When a customer says “Clean my space and respect my religious stereotypes.” It’s usually because their religion and beliefs honor the tradition of a clean house.

Angela Brown, the House Cleaning Guru in today’s Ask a House Cleaner digs into religious stereotypes. Clean with me on today’s pro cleaning tips and allow your customers to worship how, where or what they may.

Our sponsors are Savvy Cleaner (house cleaner training.) My Cleaning Connection (a hub for cool cleaning stuff.) HouseCleaning360 (list your business and find leads.) And Savvy Perks (An employee benefits program for small businesses.)

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Hey there, I’m Angela Brown, and this is Ask a House Cleaner. This is a show where you get to ask a house cleaning question, and I get to help you find an answer.

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Question: House Cleaning without Religious Stereotypes

Religious Stereotypes Woman has lots of questionsReligious stereotypes, what do you need to be aware of a house cleaner before you go into a customer’s house? We’re going to talk about that today.

“Hi Angela, this is Kerry from Kerry’s Maid Service in Buffalo, New York. I’ve always wondered if there any precautions when dealing with people of other religions house cleanings.”

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Don’t Let Religious Stereotypes Hinder Your Business

Religious Stereotypes African woman is befuddledAlright, religious stereotypes might be a real thing but don’t let it be a thing for your business. Have written best policies about how your company handles religious situations so it doesn’t deter you or your employees from work.

As we go into customers houses we are there to clean, not to judge. 

Our cleaning has nothing to do with their beliefs, background, or their lifestyle choices. 

You can be aware of, and respect religious stereotypes, but don’t turn a client down because of them. 

Communicate About Expectations on Your Walk Through

Religious Stereotypes calendar showing time of month for femaleWhen you’re doing the initial walk through with the customer, ask them. “Is there anything that I need to be aware of or be sensitive too as I clean your house?”

Now if it is a religious thing they will bring that up. They will say, “Well you can clean for us on any day except on Saturday because that is our Sabbath. We don’t clean the house on the Sabbath.”

Then you say, “okay great I have an opening on Monday.” And you work around that. 

There are particular religions that if you are a female and you are during your monthly cycle you are not allowed inside certain rooms of their house. It might be a meditation or a prayer room. So, they will let you know about that as well.

Most of them will clean that room themselves. So, you can just ask is there anything that I need to know about, then they will come out and they will tell you.

Religious Stereotypes Can Help You Prepare

Religious Stereotypes Hands holding a Book of MormonNow there are things that you can’t deny like if you clean for the Mormons for example, they typically have a lot of kids for the standard household. So, where a normal house may have two or three kids, they may have five or 10 kids. 

So, you just need to be aware of that as well. Because if you go into a 3,000 sq. ft. house thinking there will be two kids and a dog, and you find out they have 10 kids, you’re in for a surprise. You’ll have more work than you bargained for. 

You Don’t Have to Highlight Religious Stereotypes

Religious Stereotypes special prayer room in homeDon’t let the religious stereotypes scare you from house cleaning. And you don’t have to ask about religious beliefs. But just say, “is there anything special about your household or your family that I need to know about to best serve you?”

Your customers will tell you if there is a special way they celebrate or worship in their home. Many religions believe that a clean home is a way to a clean soul. They want you to help them have a clean space.

A few homes I’ve cleaned had a prayer room. And even if you wear shoes and have shoe covers they prefer you not wear shoes in that room. That’s fine. Respecting that room respects the customer’s wishes. 

And it doesn’t take but a few seconds to remove your shoes before cleaning. 

If You’re Unsure about Religious Stereotypes – Just Ask

Religious Stereotypes Ordinary home holds lots of kidsSo, if you are unsure just ask. Because any person that’s willing to hire you is also willing to tell you what the parameters of the job are. That way there are no surprises and you’re not stepping on their toes. And you’re not making judgments about their family or beliefs that you don’t understand.  

In fact, taking interest might even show the customer you care and help you build rapport in the selling process. And you can be more accommodating to their culture and religion while cleaning their home.

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Resources For This Episode

Handbook of Psychotherapy and Religious Diversity –

America and the Challenges of Religious Diversity –

The Global Public Square: Religious Freedom and the Making of a World Safe for Diversity –

Debating Religious Liberty and Discrimination –

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Savvy Cleaner Training – House Cleaner Training and Certification

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