Airbnb Cleaning – What to Clean Every Day
“What Airbnb cleaning tips do I need to know if I do Airbnb cleaning as part of my cleaning service? And how do I know what to clean every day if there are no Airbnb guests?”
An Airbnb cleaning business is much like a regular maid service. As a house cleaner, you and the homeowner decide what to clean in an Airbnb. You’ll also agree on an Airbnb cleaning charge.
Angela Brown, The House Cleaning Guru gives cleaning advice and cleaning tips.
Today’s Ask a House Cleaner sponsors are Savvy Cleaner Training (Maid service training.) My Cleaning Connection (a hub with lots of Airbnb cleaning service tips.) HouseCleaning360 (a place to go to find Airbnb housekeepers.) And Savvy Perks (a program you can provide for your Airbnb cleaning technician to show appreciation.)
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