The Risks of Over-Delivering House Cleaning Service
Over-delivering on your house cleaning is a touchy subject. There are pros and cons to over-delivering on the cleaning services promised.
Angela Brown, The House Cleaning Guru gives us a look at the risks vs. rewards of over-delivering. Even if you’re speed cleaning, the message you send your clients is “I don’t respect your tight budget, so I’ll just pay it forward.
If the client can’t afford your maid service, you enable them when you give more house cleaning than paid for.
Today’s Ask a House Cleaner sponsors are Savvy Cleaner (Training for house cleaners and maids.) My Cleaning Connection (A resource hub for all things cleaning.) HouseCleaning360 (List your cleaning business and find some clients.) And Savvy Perks (benefits for small business owners and their employees.)
The Risks of Over-Delivering House Cleaning Service Read More »