What Do YOU Want?

What Do YOU Want, Angela Brown, Savvy Cleaner
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What do you want, and will you recognize it when you get it? Have you put what you want into words?

What do you want, and will you recognize it when you get it? Have you put what you want into words?

It’s possible that you already have what you’ve been wishing for. If you haven’t identified what you want, the time to start is now. Sometimes, the things we need are right in front of us. 

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Hey there, I’m Angela Brown, and this is Ask a House Cleaner. This is a show where you get to ask a house cleaning question, and I get to help you find an answer. You can find this and 400 other answered questions in this series on our YouTube channel.

What Do You Want?

What Do You Want, Man Thinking, What Do You WantWhat do you want in life, and how will you know when you get it? Do you know what you want?

The reason for these questions is this, I’ve spent the entire pandemic consulting with house cleaners and cleaning business owners who are completely unclear of what they want. And so, they come to me and they say, “Tell me what do I want, or what can I expect from my business?”

The Leftovers Made Me Think

What Do You Want, Surprised Woman Holding Remote Watching TVDuring the pandemic, my family watched an HBO series called The Leftovers. And I’m not a big TV fan. But one of the things that caught me off guard about this entire series, was there was also a pandemic going on in the TV series, where 2% of the population vanished. And then all the people that were left behind, were the leftovers.

They had to reconfigure their lives and figure out what they want. And what was interesting, is none of them articulated what they wanted. So, they went through three seasons of all different kinds of weird, erratic, strange behavior, lashing out and fighting with each other.

And there was a lot of dissension, contention, frustration, anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts. However, it was very riveting to watch because it kind of mirrored what we’re going through as a society today. Also. what was interesting is when something would arrive, they didn’t recognize it because they had not articulated that that was in fact what they were looking for.

You Might Have What You Want Already

What Do You Want, Cruise ShipI was talking to a business owner the other day, and he shared with me that his family goes on a cruise every single year. They’re a family of six people. And so, he said, “This year we had to cancel our cruise.” And he was all upset, but when I asked him what he wanted, he said, “If he only had an extra $10,000 in his bank account this year, that would help him out.”

And I said, “Well, wait for a second, the $10,000 that you normally spend on your cruise, you did not spend this year. You already got that $10,000 back. That’s money you did not have to spend.” And he’s like, “You’re right. I never thought of that. I am $10,000 richer because we didn’t go on the cruise this year.”

We Don’t Pay Attention to Things That We Don’t Articulate

What Do You Want, Family CookingSo, things are happening in our lives that we’re not paying attention to because we did not articulate them. Now, as house cleaning business owners, one of the things I hear over and over again is people saying “I’m working all the time. I’m super stressed out. And I want more time with my family.”

Well, during the pandemic, we got quarantined. Everybody stayed at home with their families. And instead of people saying, oh, look, all this free time that I have with my family, and their schedules were clear, people canceled house cleaning. I mean, an act of God came down and gave these people time with their families.

A Lot of People Didn’t Know That They Got What They Wanted

What Do You Want, Family Doing Yoga OutsideBut here’s the caveat. They did not recognize it when it arrived because they had not articulated it. They didn’t know that they got what they wanted. And so, they had all this time with their family. And what they’re doing, is they’re scrambling now to try to get things back to normal, where they can all go back to their super busy activities.

So, they don’t have to see each other, hang out, have family dinners together because now they’re back to their norm.

Sometimes having your whole entire life shift on its axis gives us a new opportunity to look at everything from a different perspective. But my question to you is, what do you want?

They Articulated What They Wanted in the Leftovers

What Do You Want, Man Shocked Watching ComputerNow, back to The Leftovers, this HBO TV series. What was sad to me, is the series wrapped up. And I won’t spoil it for you, but, in the very end, in the last five minutes in the last conversation, they articulated what they wanted.

If you look back on the entire series, they had it all along. And so, the question to you is, what do you want? What do you want from your business? What do you want from your family? How are you going to be productive? What do you want for your finances and your health? During the pandemic, and this is interesting for a lot of house cleaners I’ve been talking to, they say, “Oh, I would love to get in shape. I would love to be more physically active.”

Now, the things that they’re doing during the days, are they’re out walking their dogs, walking with their kids, out with their bicycles, and lo and behold they’re actually exercising every single day without articulating it. They did not recognize that it actually changed their lives. And they’d been doing more exercise and physical activity every single day since March 2020. 

There are a Lot of Things That Have Already Happened

What Do You Want, Man on Computer and PhoneSo, there are a lot of things that have already happened. They’ve already transpired. Don’t wake up three seasons down the road and look back at your business and say, “Whoa, wait a second. What I was looking for has been here all along.”

I want you to stop right now, and take advantage of right what is already in front of you now. Sometimes the things that we are seeking are right in front of us all along.

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Discover Your Why: Find Your Strengths, Use Obstacles to Your Benefit, and Lead A Purpose Driven Life – https://amzn.to/2VazpSK  

The Power of Moments: Why Certain Experiences Have Extraordinary Impact – https://amzn.to/2VaZWPW  

The Right Questions: Ten Essential Questions to Guide You To An Extraordinary Life – http://amzn.to/2xGxFUV 

How to Be Happy at Work: The Power of Purpose, Hope, and Friendship – https://amzn.to/2A17COS 

Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us – http://amzn.to/2wBAHg4

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