Advertising for your business can be expensive if you haven’t done your marketing.
Advertising costs money, marketing costs time. Before you run ads for cleaning service you need social proof. Join Facebook groups and hone your networking skills for referrals. Only then are you ready for advertising for your house cleaning business.
You’ll get more business if you build your cleaning brand and marketing first.
Listen: Advertising For Your House Cleaning Business
Watch: Advertising For Your House Cleaning Business
Hey there, I’m Angela Brown, and this is Ask a House Cleaner. This is a show where you get to ask a house cleaning question, and I get to help you find an answer. You can find this and 400 other answered questions in this series on our YouTube channel.
Advertising for Your Business
Advertising for your house cleaning business. Where on earth do you start? A house cleaner wrote in with this question.
“I am starting from scratch, and I mean like right from scratch. Where do I begin when it comes to advertising and getting clients? I have nothing right now. I don’t know where to start.”
There is a Difference Between Marketing and Advertising
The very first thing that I want to bring up to you is there’s a difference between marketing and advertising. I don’t recommend that you do any advertising at all until you have your marketing set up.
Marketing is all the free stuff that you do to set up the foundation of your business. If I start running ads today, and I drive people where? There’s no website, there’s no Facebook page, there are none of the marketing foundations that are set up.
So, I’m throwing money out into the wind hoping that it sticks somewhere. Please don’t do that. Marketing is what you do for free when you have time, okay? It’s based on things you do to set up the foundation of your business.
You Use Advertising to Get People to See Your Marketing
The advertising is things you pay money for that drive people back to your marketing, okay? So marketing is free plus time, advertising is money, okay?
So, don’t spend any money because you don’t have any money coming in yet. Take the time that you have, because you’re not fully booked yet. And build out the marketing platform that you drive people back to through your advertising.
Where Do You Start With Marketing?
So, where do you start advertising for your business? How about Facebook? There are billions of people on Facebook.
It’s a platform that already exists. It lets you create a business page for free, it doesn’t cost you a dime, and it will walk you through all the different steps on how to set up your profile.
Next, go to Google and set up a Google business listing. It’s free and they will verify that you live at a certain address, you are in a certain market, all those things.
Set Up Advertising After Marketing
Now that you have Facebook and Google set up, you can start collecting reviews once you get the business coming in.
The reason to do this is to create social proof. Because when you try to get new clients they’re going to go to Facebook and Google and look for the ratings and reviews. But you may not have any if you’re brand new.
So, there are a couple of different things you can do to boost your credibility in order for people to take a chance on you. You have to have all this other stuff set up before we start bringing business in.
Go Through Your Online Profiles
The next step is to go through all your online profiles. So, let’s say that you’re on Twitter and you’re on Facebook and you’re on Instagram. Go through and what does your profile say?
Do they have a picture of you that looks professional? If there’s a picture of a dog there, they’re going to say, “Wow, the dog is not going to clean my house. What is this person hiding?”
So even though you didn’t say anything at all about the profile picture you used. People are going to look at it and say, that does not look like the person that’s coming to my house.
Use a Current Picture for Your Profile
So, you want to use a current picture that’s a good reflection of you as a professional house cleaner. So, update all your profile pictures, make sure you set up the business Facebook page, make sure that you have a presence on Google.
Join Online Groups
The next thing is, there are a lot of online groups and there are business groups to join. Learn as much as you can about marketing and advertising. Because you are going to need marketing and advertising for the remainder of your career.
You’re going to need to know about marketing because markets change, platforms change, marketing processes change.
Some of the things that we did five and 10 years ago don’t work anymore, right? So, you want to make sure that the stuff that you’re learning is current and it’s market-worthy for right now.
Find Other People Who Specialize in Advertising and Marketing
Join a couple of Facebook groups that specialize in advertising and marketing for small businesses. You may even want to join a local small business group so that you can figure out who the other players are in your area.
Here’s the reason why: as you go into people’s houses, they will ask you this question, “Hey, do you clean carpets?” And you say, “No, I don’t, but I belong to this local business group and here are some carpet cleaners in my area.” As you recommend them, they also recommend you.
They are in customers’ homes everyday cleaning carpets, and so they say, “Hey, I need the rest of my house cleaned. Who do you recommend?” Or the carpet cleaner might say, “I need you to get your house cleaned before I come.” And they say, “Do you know any house cleaners?” “Yes, I do,” and then they recommend you.
Start Networking for Your Business
So, if you go in and you start networking, and you start creating these alliances. You start building your online platform and getting your social proof, and now you’re creating the foundation of your marketing.
So, that when you turn on the advertising and you start paying for it, you’re driving people back to your Google page.
You’re driving people back to your Facebook page and to your community networks that connect with your search engine optimization.
Next, think about getting a website. You’re going to need a way for people to get back in touch with you.
The website is a great place to send everybody back to because it will have a list of all your services, and your contact information, and all that stuff.
Why Your Marketing Is Killing Your Business: And What to Do About It –
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